When your top-choice college puts you on a waitlist, it can feel like a denial. While the suspense can be difficult to bear, you still might have a chance of getting in. Learn how to estimate the odds of getting admitted off a waitlist, campaign for your admission, and determine your next steps.
College waitlists include qualified students who might be admitted if room in the class becomes available. Why do colleges use waitlists? Because colleges know that some students they admit will turn them down. If more students say "no thanks" than they expect, the college turns to its waitlist to find more qualified students.
Your chances of being admitted off a college waitlist vary widely among colleges and may vary significantly from year to year at the same college. For example, for the application year 2022-2023, the University of Michigan placed 26,898 students on its waitlist and admitted 955 (5 percent). The following year it placed 21,078 students on the waitlist and admitted 77 (1 percent).
College admissions consulting firm College Kickstart reviewed a sample of waitlist statistics from 101 public and private institutions and found that on average, 19 percent of students accepting a place on a Class of 2026 waitlist were admitted. Of the schools sampled, 62 percent of them admitted 10 percent or less of their waitlisted students.
Your waitlist letter might include how many students the college has in the past admitted off the waitlist. If it doesn’t, ask the admissions office. You can also look up waitlist statistics for different schools using CollegeData’s College Search tool. If the college reported its waitlist data, you’ll find it in its college profile under the Admissions tab.
If you were not admitted to any of the colleges on your list. or into any colleges that you want to attend, it’s important to consider a back-up plan. This might include taking a gap year or attending community college and transferring later to a four-year school.
Otherwise, start planning your new life at the college you have accepted and enjoy your senior year. If the college that waitlisted you gives you the nod, terrific! If not, embrace the school you will be attending in the fall, knowing it’s a school you applied to for good reasons and one that wanted you all along.